Thank you very much.
Thank you for coming to testify before the committee today.
I also wanted to tell you that all the measures you have implemented to reduce obstacles so that women can work for the OPP are very interesting to me.
That said, the study is really on sexual harassment and not recruiting women. It seems that before your appearance here, it was fairly difficult for us to find information on the number of sexual harassment or harassment complaints within the OPP. The same is true for information about how those complaints are dealt with. You told us in your presentation that there were 78 complaints in 2012 and that, by process of elimination, you were able to establish that 10 cases were founded. I would like to ask you a few questions about that.
First, I would like to know why it is so difficult to find information about the complaints you received and why you do not make them more public.
Second, you said that individuals had shared certain concerns with you, but had not necessarily filed a complaint. I would like to know if you know how many cases like this there are. I would also like to know what steps are involved in dealing with these complaints. I think I understand that the committee for promoting respect in the workplace, which you spoke about earlier, plays a large role in dealing with complaints. Regardless, I would like to know how exactly a complaint is handled once it has been received.
If I have any time left, I have other questions.