Well, there are very limited resources in communities, as my research showed, and that's also what the grandmothers told us in the Grandmother Spirit project. There's also always a limitation of funds, and we don't have the same services as you would have in off-reserve settings.
Funding for services on the reserve is provided by the federal government. These are different from services that are provided to the mainstream population, such as in the provinces or even in the territories. It's not at all the same. It's very much lacking, especially in programs for the abuse of aboriginal senior women. I've come across nothing that has been put in place, except for what we heard from the grandmothers: that one is speaking on the radio and one is with the RCMP.
But I'm sure there are very, very few of those, and there are no funds to access from the funding source for reserves, which is the federal government's way to address this issue.