Thank you. I will be splitting my time with my colleague from Winnipeg South Centre.
Welcome to the two doctors who are witnesses today.
There's been a common thread in all of the discussions up until now,with all of the witnesses to date and also with the two doctors who are here. I keep hearing the words “vulnerability” and “vulnerable members”. I think that as a society one of the greatest things we can do is make sure that we protect the most vulnerable members of our society. I think one of the greatest responsibilities of any government is the safety and security of its citizens.
I just want to get acknowledgement that we agree: that as they age, elder seniors--and that doesn't necessarily mean just women, but also men--become more vulnerable, whether that means physical abilities or possibly mental capabilities as well.
I want to direct this question to Dr. Straka first. Do you believe that seniors are in that group that's deemed to be vulnerable? I have heard you mention that, so I just want to get confirmation that you agree with that statement. We've heard it in almost every committee meeting to date.