—that, to help the communities, the first nations, to pass the laws.
Coming back to your other argument about access, let me characterize this as legal aid. I was a member of the bar in New Brunswick when the first matrimonial property act was passed. We got the same argument from several men, who were opposed to the bill because many women would not have the legal or financial resources to access the benefits of that law. The experience in all provinces, not only in New Brunswick, is that all of the married couples, especially women, have benefited greatly, even if they didn't have the financial resources for these high-priced lawyers. It's not a concern that I share with you.
I find it interesting that you said you were withholding your support for this bill. I don't want to be political, but on the second day of your new leader being in the House, I thought it rich that he would stand up to talk about the Charter of Rights and Freedom and then instruct his caucus to vote against this bill.
I don't dismiss the concerns you have about the side issues that do influence this, but the fundamental question is equal rights for women and children on reserve.