Just to start a little farther back, studies and focus group sessions and information sessions were held starting in 2000 concerning the issue of matrimonial real property on reserve. The preliminary planning for the consultation process started with the Native Women's Association of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations.
From that, when the national consultation process started in 2006, there were 103 sessions held at 76 locations across Canada. A lot of them were held regionally, with meetings in such different locations as Fredericton, Quebec City, Thunder Bay—there were others in Ontario. Those are just a few names of places in which sessions were held.
As part of the consultation process, the Assembly of First Nations and the Native Women's Association of Canada each received $2.7 million for their participation. Overall, $8 million was spent on the process. Aboriginal Affairs spent more than $2.8 million on the process as part of that $8 million, part of the consultation process that took place.