Thank you very much.
Our question revolves around the fact that discussions did take place with certain first nations. We find that these were inadequate, but beyond that and at the core of it, what a lot of the first nations raised was that concerns with Bill S-2 weren't actually heard and are not reflected in Bill S-2, which, as we know, is the most recent iteration of this government's efforts in recent years concerning matrimonial property rights.
I have before me a letter from Chief Shining Turtle, and I'll read a section of it.
During the period October 2006 to today May 2013, we did not receive any support, advice, consultation, accommodation, from the Federal [government or] Indian and Northern Affairs Canada on any stage of our MRP law development.
This goes back to the fact that Chief Shining Turtle's community, Whitefish River First Nation, has worked at developing their own MRP law for their citizens. Here we can see—and certainly the government should know—Whitefish River First Nation's work on this, and yet they've chosen not to respond to the first nation, certainly not to work with them in developing their own code.
I'm wondering how problematic you find it that first nations concerns haven't been heard and that in fact some of those who have made the effort, as we hear in this case, haven't heard a response.