I think there are 300 people in the lawsuit right now that could probably identify with that. I think a lot of them are still serving.
I've been approached several times by people who are in the RCMP. They phone me to tell me that they've read my book or they've heard about me or they know about the lawsuits that are going on and they are afraid to come forward. The first thing I ask is whether they're safe. You just never know how things can escalate.
I'm sorry you had those experiences, because they do leave a scar on people. For me, there were a lot of subtle things before I realized it was actually almost criminal behaviour. It was the little things. You look back now and you can see how damaging it was and what harassment really looks like. Basically, it's bullying. You can put another label on it, but someone who harasses you is a bully. A bully in the workplace, a bully in the military, a bully at school, a bully in cyberspace, they're all doing the same thing. Their intent is to have power over someone and to wound and destroy.