We actually sit with a multitude of representatives from each of the following departments and agencies within crime prevention services, which is the unit that I'm actually responsible for at a national level.
We participate in the federal, provincial, and territorial working group on family violence, which is led by the Department of Justice. We participate in the Family Violence Prevention Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group, which is led by the Public Health Agency of Canada. We participate in the family violence initiative interdepartmental working group, which is led by the Public Health Agency of Canada. We participate in the family violence sub-working group on aboriginal family violence, led by PHAC. We participate in the family violence initiative DG steering committee. We also participate in a sub-working group on honour-based violence, led by the Department of Justice.
Of course, there is another multitude of committees with which we interact, those involving: Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada; the Correctional Service of Canada; first nations and Inuit health; the Public Health Agency of Canada; Statistics Canada; Human Resources and Skills Development; Status of Women; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Public Safety; the Department of Justice; the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation; the Department of National Defence; and provincial and territorial governments.
So I think that ultimately we participate absolutely everywhere we possibly can to ensure that we're leveraging partnerships to address this important issue.