Well, you see, that would be point. It could be worse than that or it may not be.
When we as a government and prior governments before us have dedicated moneys to increase awareness and provide education and the like to deal with what is a very real issue, is that as good as it's going to get? A kind of “best guess” scenario...? I don't know how you can get it any more finely tuned, but when you say that one out of five is reported, that means 80% aren't. That's significant. If it's more than that...oh my goodness, that's really bad.
I'm asking the question as to how you substantiate that, especially when the governments of the day, at whatever level—federal, provincial, or municipal, for that matter--and in their various roles provide support. How do we know how real that number is? I don't denigrate anybody who suffers from any kind of abuse at all, but how do you substantiate it?