I'll say a few words about the new horizons for seniors program, and then I will invite my colleague to give some examples of projects that are pursuing this objective.
The program works at two levels. The first is what we call pan-Canadian projects. These are at the national level. These are only on elder abuse. Usually we call for a proposal. We have projects that are bigger; the level of funding can be up to $250,000 per year over three years.
The other component is the community projects. These are the small projects, usually up to $25,000. The program pursues several objectives. I like to refer to this, because elder abuse is one of the objectives, but we also use that program to work on prevention. We know that isolation puts seniors at risk. Developing projects that will connect seniors is, to our mind, going to support the objective we want to achieve. We know that in many cases the solutions come from the communities. People know their communities. When we talk about being able to see where elder abuse happens, that's really the place it should happen, not thousands of kilometres from the place.
Maybe I could invite Ellen to give you a couple of examples of the projects that are doing this at the local level.