I'll deal with the research question first.
There are examples that you should be referring to. I would refer you to the National Institutes of Health. Tom Insel has taken eating disorders as a really important research agenda for the U.S. It would be really important for you to look at some of his thoughts about this. The U.K. has also done a significant amount of work looking at the issue of eating disorders, treatment guidelines for disorders, and in their health care system how to divide up...or look at how to create a country that delivers health care with respect to eating disorders. I would say that the U.S. and the U.K. are nowhere near developing the optimal or gold standards. I think people are working towards that.
When we're looking at eating disorder funding, I think in Canada our eating disorder funding is significantly less—I want to underscore that—than in the United States. However, the United States has very, very low funding earmarked for eating disorders.
As a researcher, a lot of my funding has been through the National Institutes of Health, because they do have earmarked funds for eating disorders. Here in Canada there are no such earmarked funds for eating disorders, and neither are there other special foundations where you can go to for funding for eating disorders.
There's a lot of room for the development of a research agenda, and there's a lot of room for increased research funding.