Dr. Katzman, I really appreciate that. You've given us seven very strong recommendations. I'm going to go through some of these and ask if you could table them with the committee.
You mentioned early identification and comprehensive training. Could you table exactly what you would like to see? I know Ontario has a great model for training physicians.
You talked about more effective treatment modalities. I'm wondering if you could table how we get to those more effective treatment modalities, which I assume requires more research.
You also mentioned we need these programs in every province. Could you table which provinces have them and where we are lacking? We really need that information.
You talked about the range of treatments that are available, and that in Ontario we are paying when families are forced out of the province. Can you table what that is costing?
Very quickly, because I'm running out of time, what would you like to see that research agenda look like? The more specific you are, the better it will help our report.