I would like to answer the question regarding raising awareness around healthy weights and healthy life-style issues. I want to applaud the initiatives at the FPT level. We certainly share with our colleagues the need to look at sedentary behaviours and the need for healthy eating among our children and youth in Canada.
I want to take this opportunity to applaud Health Canada, in particular, Hasan Hutchinson's department and initiatives. He has played a big leadership role across Canada in looking at how we integrate obesity and eating disorders so when we're doing healthy weight messaging we're trying not to do harm.
Where I think there is room for improvement in our schools and in our different levels of community is that professionals and adult influencers in general need to be sensitized about their own weight bias and their own attitudes around weight and shape. They need to understand that sometimes it can be transmitted to children in a negative way. I've certainly moved my prevention research from working with children to working with the adults themselves, because there's a lot of room for improvement in terms of sensitivity training with the adults so they can learn how in an objective way to help children develop healthy lifestyles.