I'd like to add a comment, please.
One way to look at it is that often in severe cases of eating disorder, medical stabilization and psychiatric stabilization are warranted. We very much rely on our colleagues working in tertiary care hospitals to deliver that expert care, but all too often, with the limited funding and resources that we have, there are very few dollars left over to help people with that. The medical and psychiatric stabilization just helps a person maximize the use of outpatient treatment, if you will, and some of the issues to look at the root causes of the eating disorder, or how to overcome the eating disorder, and we often don't have very much funding left over for those outpatient services.
I would agree with some of the other witnesses in their statements that we are lacking in terms of the pre-hospitalization, the follow-up to hospitalization, and as I mentioned in my presentation, targeted prevention, which is really catching young women and men at the onset of their symptoms and trying to actually prevent them from developing into eating disorders in the first place.