It's very surprising to hear that you run simply on donations. It really does seem that the federal government could play a role in terms of funding in the case of this work. We are concerned by the lack of funding this government has put toward eating disorders. We're also concerned by the lack of funding put toward eating disorders from all levels of government.
Last week we heard compelling testimony from Merryl Bear of NEDIC, the National Eating Disorder Information Centre. She talked about how sparse and unsustainable the funding model is for places like Sheena's Place and for her organization. She puts the lack of funding inside a cultural context that doesn't value women's health care sufficiently. She talked about the government cutting funding to the women's health contribution program and other pockets of money that supported work in women's health.
Would you agree with Merryl Bear on this point? How could better funding contribute to helping those with eating disorders?