Thank you very much for the invitation to speak.
I am speaking on behalf of two of my roles. One is as a senior associate scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children, where I've carried out a 17-year program of research in the prevention of eating disorders. The other is as a psychologist and director of a provincial training program in the treatment of eating disorders that is funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario.
My prevention research takes a lifespan approach and is heavily anchored in mental health promotion designed to foster healthy coping skills to fend off stressors that lead to eating disorders.
My early-to-mid research career has been supported by funding from the Ontario Mental Health Foundation, the Ontario Women's Health Council, CIHR knowledge translation and exchange, and a mid-career award from CIHR from the Institute of Gender and Health.
I have identified normative stressors of early adolescents that trigger eating problems in young females. This led to the development, implementation, and evaluation of prevention, trying to prevent symptoms that lead up to eating disorders in young females.
I subsequently trained local public health practitioners to facilitate prevention and conducted research on that. I'm the first to develop and research a school-based ecological prevention program designed to prevent eating disorders by involving male and female students, parents, teachers, school personnel, and public health.
In recognition of the late adolescent risk transition for eating disorders, I partnered with university-based practitioners from student health services to develop, implement, and evaluate a prevention program for university students using peer health educators as agents of change. I have translated the evidence-based strategies into an online curriculum for teachers and public health and I've matched them to the ministry of education's learning objectives to foster uptake by teachers in Ontario, Nova Scotia, and British Columbia.
Coordination of my prevention research and knowledge translation activities has been made possible by my active and volunteer membership on various coalitions, including the Ontario Healthy Schools Coalition, the Body Image Coalition of Peel, and the Canadian Association for School Health, and through my delivery of face-to-face community-based prevention workshops across the province of Ontario.
What is unique and innovative about the prevention research that I've been conducting is that it has been shown to enhance protective factors and decrease risk factors that are associated with both eating disorders and obesity. The prevention strategies also promote a sense of belonging and connectedness among the youth, which is protective against a myriad of mental health concerns and risky behaviours.
Since 2007, I have broadened my program of research in two ways: one, by bridging the field of eating disorders and obesity prevention to seek common ground to promote health; and two, by broadening the scope of my partnerships Canada-wide. I'm currently leading an innovative professional development training model geared towards front-line health promoters to help integrate mental health promotion into healthy weight messaging, as well as leading a knowledge mobilization strategy across Canada, entitled the national prevention strategy group on the prevention of obesity and eating disorders. All of this has been done on pilot funding from CIHR in the amount of $68,000.
The stop and go nature of this research funding has brought the program of research to a halt. The competing demands on public health practitioners and educators, whom I have trained, have drowned out the need for eating disorder prevention and early intervention.
Within the eating disorder prevention research field, targeted prevention, which is defined as interventions designed for high school students that are aimed at preventing early onset symptoms from escalating into eating disorders, has produced in the research field the largest intervention effects. That means they are the most effective, yet there is a total absence of targeted prevention for Canadian adolescents.
This gap in service, or death valley, coincides with the highest period of risk for the development of eating disorder symptoms and their associated mental health concerns. Up to 25% of Canadian children and youth experience significant mental health issues, and 50% of these problems appear before the age of 14 years. Eating disorders are no exception. They fall into the same category of prevalence and onset.
A third of youth at risk for substance abuse, most of whom are female, also report experiencing concurrent eating disorder symptoms. Yet we don't have any concurrent substance abuse and eating disorder programming in Canada, with the exception of Rideauwood Addiction and Family Services in Ottawa, who are reaching out to our field of eating disorders to learn how to treat eating disorders, so that small agency can jump-start the first-of-its-kind concurrent treatment and prevention of eating disorders and substance abuse.
It would appear that across Canada we have resources and policies in place that focus on upstream health promotion for the whole population. Attention is also being given to maternal health and early childhood well-being for the zero to six years age group, and there is attention being focused on adults. There is a large gap in intervention research and resources available, however, for the 6 to 19 year age group, or the 6 to 24 year age group.
In my role with the Ontario Community Outreach Program for Eating Disorders, with the generous support of the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care in Ontario, my colleagues and I have created a provincial training program. The lifespan approach delivers training and supervision and evidence-based eating disorder treatment, and works to bridge partnerships across sectors.
With a small investment in 1994 in the amount of $100,000, we travelled the province of Ontario and identified champions who, with our support, showed an interest in specializing in the treatment of eating disorders and educating health care practitioners and educators to help out with identification and early intervention, where possible.
With further investment from the Ministry of Health in Ontario, we developed a first-of-its-kind provincial network of specialized eating disorder service providers.
Despite our best attempts, we can't keep up with the heavy demand for specialized treatment, and the increasing complexity and comorbid conditions that accompany eating disorders, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, to name a few. We need help from the mental health and addiction field.
My recommendations for your report are that we need a tracking system for eating disorders at the national level, including a registry. We need guidelines for the treatment and prevention of eating disorders, with subsections for child and adolescent eating disorders, adult eating disorders, and young adult transition-aged youth with eating disorders. With that we need a mechanism for knowledge translation of these guidelines across multiple disciplines and faculties.
We need a research chair in the prevention of eating disorders, and we need a research chair in the treatment of eating disorders, one for adults, and one for children and youth.
We need a strategy to reach out to primary care practitioners, including family doctors, who are the first point of contact for the public, yet they are the least knowledgeable and skilled to recognize eating disorders and offer timely early intervention.
Last, as a field, we need to leverage the trains in motion that are under way at the federal, provincial and territorial levels in the area of mental health, so that eating disorders are part of round table discussions on topics of stigma reduction, knowledge translation and capacity building, youth councils, caregiver guidelines, speaker training, and tool kits.
In short, we want to put a stop to the discrimination experienced by the field of eating disorders so that we can meet the needs of individuals and their families who are so desperate for our care.
Thank you.