First of all, one of the most, I think, incredibly wonderful resources is offered by the National Eating Disorder Information Centre. Merryl Bear, the executive director, was one of the presenters before your committee. As a family member I travelled years and years ago to NEDIC in Ontario to, quite bluntly, ask Merryl if she could help me save my daughter's life.
A lot of eating disorder programs will concurrently run support programs for families of children who have eating disorders and are in treatment. And that's the real problem. It's okay for the families to go to those support programs because they have a child in treatment in one of the tertiary care hospitals or community-based eating disorder programs. But often there's a caveat, and unless you have a child in treatment, you can't go there for family support. So for seven years I was vice-president of the Eating Disorders Association of Manitoba. We helped with others to organize a support group for families, because there was an urgent and desperate need for it, and that urgent and desperate need exists consistently across our country.