Yes. I think we need to provide programming that educates the general public, doctors, physicians, and any clinicians dealing with the treatment of eating disorders and mental health on these illnesses. I am amazed and sometimes extremely frustrated by the number of people who you'd think would know more about eating disorders and actually don't.
I was at a health conference a few years back, and a doctor came back to look at our display on eating disorders. He told me that boys didn't have eating disorders. I looked at him and said, “Of course they do”, but he absolutely insisted that it was only a female illness, that boys did not have it. So we really need to take a look at education.
You had a previous question on what the federal government can do. They can legislate with regard to the harmful media advertising to young children that is totally unacceptable. They should go after the diet industry. You see these full-page ads saying, “Boy, if you diet like this, you'll be smarter and richer.”
By the way, this full-page article that was printed in the Winnipeg Free Press was written by a diet company. You will find nowhere on this page that it was written by a diet company.
We need to take a serious look at the diet industry. We as individuals, parents, support groups, and clinicians need to be working closely with the media on how we can reduce harmful advertising and how we can enrich programming to those people who urgently need it, including their families.