Thank you very much and I want to add my thanks to all our witnesses today. I think this has been emotional as well as eye-opening.
Elaine Stevenson, first of all, I feel your frustration at probably having been one of the first in this group to go through all this and I admire your tenacity. I imagine you're doing this in remembrance of your daughter and I admire you for that, so thank you.
I also wanted to say to Patricia and to Laura that I think we should take these testimonies that we've heard from the three of you directly—Valerie, yours is fascinating too, but I'm just talking about the first person—and print them verbatim and put them up on websites so people can see what a real person affected by these disorders goes through, because I think that has been the most eye-opening to me. It's very interesting to hear the medical people who've studied it, but these are young girls and it's you who are going to get through to them.
I was particularly struck too, Patricia, hearing you talk about how part of your recovery has been the work that you do, role modelling and counselling. I'm wondering if that is maybe a very important best practice that we've heard here today. Can you talk about that?