I found all kinds of information that was very outdated. I found things on eating disorders awareness. As I said before, and I'm speaking as a parent, on the other side, I was very frustrated, because I saw the stuff on body image, and I saw that show Dying to be Thin, and I thought, I have a young child; this is not my situation.
I finally found F.E.A.S.T. I found maudsleyparents.org. And I was stunned. Why doesn't everyone know about this? Why don't we know they are treatable, and that there's genetic predisposition, and predisposing factors, and it's not just about body image. There's so much more to the illness that the public does not know about.
When I found it, I found this incredible parent forum. The F.E.A.S.T. website is full of facts. And it's not just about FBT, because not everybody can access FBT. It's about empowering parents. In the past we've been blamed and shamed, and there's stigma, not knowing what to do. The F.E.A.S.T. site has incredible information.
Just through talking to people, my friends, colleagues at work, they've actually shared this site with other parents who have been alarmed about their child, and they've brought it to their physicians. They're educating their physicians this way.