Yes, Jennifer Lawrence, was closer to real body weight. Kate Winslet was closer to body weight. And yet both of those actresses have lost a heck of a lot of weight over the 10 years. They're trying to say, look, I don't believe in dieting, I'm not going to lose 40 pounds, I look fine, and yet the pressure is on them. That's unfortunate, because that's an incredibly powerful role model.
For those kinds of youth-led initiatives, where kids get together and say, this is enough, we want to push back, there are all sorts of best practices. There are some in Montreal where girls have gotten together and created a media campaign of their own to say, this is crazy, we're not willing to do this anymore. This is what we look like, get used to it.
But I do want to caution you, because it's very easy to co-opt that kind of outreach. For example, one of my favourite corporate initiatives in this field is the Seventeen magazine's Body Peace Project. They had an online campaign to encourage girls to make peace with their bodies and to stop starving themselves to death and all this type of thing. Yet the images that were surrounding the access to this particular site were all of hyper thin pre-teen and teenage girls. They went and they got celebrities to sign the Body Peace Project, and a number of them have had plastic surgery—infamously again—before they were 16, and they were all super, super thin, except for one of them.
What was most interesting about that particular initiative is that the pressure was put on the girl to sign the pledge, “I promise I won't be bad to my body. I'll still that little voice in my head.” I think the challenge for us, as concerned citizens and as regulators, is that voice is not coming from inside their head, it's coming from the environment around them. We're responsible for the environment around them. As much as I support everything that's been said about the need to educate doctors and to get better medical treatments in place, we have to be very critical of those kinds of initiatives because they get co-opted really easily.