Thank you very much for the question.
In terms of what the government is doing for women abroad, as former CIDA—and we are now a new department, the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development—I think you will see policies and alignment that take into account foreign policy, international trade promotion and policy, and development issues. I think you will start to see them come into a single plane where they will be weighed and better balanced.
Another angle that you were perhaps trying to get at as well, which I think is really important, is where again the trade development synergies are assisting women exporters in developing countries. There is an organization in Canada, the Trade Facilitation Office, that works with CIDA, working with women entrepreneurs in developing countries to explore the potential or the benefits of exporting and the how-to of exporting to Canada.
But to come back to the extractive portion, indeed some thought is being given to the new department on how we will better align the development interests. Maternal and child health care is an important initiative, and the extractive industries are another. I think you will see some policy coherence in this moving forward, as a result of the amalgamation that was announced last year.