Mechanisms certainly exist outside Status of Women Canada. But in terms of our department specifically, I can tell you about the call for proposals we issued last year for projects that supported the economic prosperity of immigrant women.
We sought to identify opportunities that would improve the conditions of immigrant women, in collaboration with the community, employers, educational stakeholders and immigrant women.
We implemented seven projects. Some are focused on immigrant women in rural settings, and others on immigrant women in urban areas. Other projects are aimed at building partnerships between chambers of commerce and immigrant women's groups, who weren't necessarily aware of the programs offered by the chambers of commerce. A number of approaches were adopted. In fact, we don't apply a single approach to all seven projects, but we hope to learn valuable lessons going forward.
We work on a project, not program, basis. Officials from Citizenship and Immigration Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada could, no doubt, tell you about other mechanisms within the federal government.