Thank you, Madam Chair.
This is the first time I've had so much time to ask questions. I find this topic very interesting and I assume all of my female colleagues feel the same.
My question is for Ms. Boutin, the Executive Director of the Canada Research Chairs Program. In 2011, the Standing Committee on the Status of Women heard from Hugh Armstrong, a professor at Carleton University, who gave evidence about abuse in long-term residential care facilities.
During his testimony, he said that in the future, similar projects would no longer be funded by SSHRC. He said:
I think this was a disastrous decision on their part. They basically said that they don't get enough money, and since CIHR—the Canadian Institutes for Health Research—gets a lot more, why don't they do everything to do with health?
Why was that decision made? What broader implication could this limitation have on research related to women's health?