Depending on the program, we measure success in different ways. I have to say that my 70,000 Twitter followers is a measure of success for me partly because, as a government official, to get social media take-up for the information we are providing that is that rich is really a measure of success. You can have all the information you want, but if there's nobody accessing or interested in it, then it's not necessarily useful. That is one measure of success, what kind of outreach we're doing and how much take-up we are getting from entrepreneurs with the information. Then, are they finding it useful? Is it helping them to succeed?
We haven't necessarily targeted the data specific to gender as well as we are starting to now. One of the ideas behind having the Canadian company capabilities directory for women-owned businesses is that we need to start targeting and refining the way in which we do these kinds of measures. Generally, our success is really about the feedback and engagement we get both directly and also through our interlocutors like the regional development agencies.