As I mentioned, in 1992 when I originally wrote on this, we considered women one of the two genders. Obviously, things have changed now, and needed to in a whole bunch of ways, but we weren't a diversity. Change has been slow. I go back and forth because change has been slow, but comply-and-explain seems to fit with me. It's important that we get women on the lists for consideration. I think that's a starting point. I think we need to target the nominations committees to make sure that women are included in every search. We have to reach out to recruiters in that way as well.
I truly don't believe it is an issue of not having enough board-ready women. I think there are plenty of board-ready women, and I don't think it's a pipeline issue. We need to have those board-ready women identified. I would agree with Catalyst in that perhaps sometimes we just need to nudge to add one more board seat, because if we're waiting, we'll continue to wait for those board seats to come available.