Thank you very much.
We're now in our seventh or eighth offering of this program, and as you can imagine, over time we have improved it.
One thing we were asked to do by the partners of the women—which is rather curious—and have done was develop a program for men, because they were a bit disconcerted, I think in a positive way, that their partners, who were having a fabulous learning opportunity, were learning some things that the men wished they had known. So we keep our program somewhat integrated between men and women, but we also have separate sections. For example, we have separate sections on communication, because there are some different communication style issues and so on.
The program in short is approximately six months long. It involves both in-class activities and a lot of coaching from the career coaches and the language coaches, as I mentioned. But also we do a lot of peer coaching. We find that creating small communities—groups of about eight or ten in which people are basically coaching themselves and their colleagues—is extremely effective.
We take in approximately 45 people per session. We are now able to run the program twice a year. We are very fortunate to have received considerable funding from the provincial government. The participants pay basically as they can. We ask a very nominal fee to sign up, but we also provide a number of scholarships. So we try to do what we can to make sure that in no way is it cost-prohibitive. We're keen to open up as broadly as we can. We certainly don't want to feel that we're only, as it were, reaching out to internationally educated professionals who can pay. We're interested in reaching out to all internationally educated professionals who for whatever reason are underemployed or are perhaps just not moving anywhere.
We find that promotion is also an indicator of success. Quite often, within the six-month period participants will go from even an okay job to one that is perhaps even better than the one they had in their country of origin. So we measure our success in terms of promotion.
We continue to be actively connected to all of our participants, using typical business tools such as LinkedIn and so on. We have a strong alumni network, and we call upon its members quite frequently to be ambassadors for the program. Also, for example, one of our participants is now a coach in the program. As you can well imagine, as he himself is an internationally educated professional who was able to go from one excellent job to an even more excellent job, he is both a role model and an ambassador, and he also has direct and immediate connection with our participants. So we look at success in terms of personal development.
The one that's a little harder to measure is the degree of change in confidence. I certainly won't wax anecdotal about it, but suffice it to say, over the years I have been involved in the program I have seen a development of confidence between day one and six months later that I think is absolutely jaw-dropping. It's really helpful and exciting, because these are people who are going to go out and make the difference in the workplace.