First, let us address the first point you raised. In my opinion, the rate of violence against women in Canada is unacceptable. That said, if we compare ourselves to the other countries of the OECD, the rate is more or less the same, unfortunately. So this a problem that affects developed countries just as much as developing ones. It is certainly a global issue and solutions have to be found jointly. That is why we are constantly observing initiatives elsewhere, to see if there are lessons we can learn. Although the rates are unacceptable, they are unfortunately real. Canada sits right on the average.
Now let us turn to the changes made in 2007. As everyone knows, the organization has seen a lot of changes since 2007. Investment in communities has increased. In 2007, I think that we barely had $7 million to invest in communities. Today, that amount is $19 million.
I believe that some of our approaches have been particularly helpful. If I look at the calls for proposals that specifically target violence on college and university campuses, we really heard what was happening on the ground. Our call for proposals was launched before the media really became interested.
I believe that we now have a tool that is being very well used. Despite the changes in our structure, we have found effective ways to keep our ears to the ground and issue calls for proposals that will generate information. Our efforts are now very focused on sharing the knowledge that will come from the calls for proposals and from the projects we have been launching for four years.