Thank you so much for the question.
I think, just generally speaking, my first observation is that from the standpoint of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, we're very mindful of initiatives that work from a prevention angle to early intervention. What does that mean for first nations, either living on or off reserve? I think the reason we place so much emphasis on that is the cultural components. One of the things that I've been most impressed about is work that takes place, let's say, from a broad-based perspective.
I can use the example of Three Eagle Wellness Society in Alberta, which is an initiative that's provided with funding from our department. It works to be able to offer life skills. It looks at experiences of violence from a trauma-based perspective. It works to involve individuals and families. We try to support, through our terms and conditions, any initiatives that are community-based, culturally appropriate, and that have the active involvement of women. Those are the types of initiatives that we see as best practices.