Thank you, Madam Chair.
I also want to thank the witnesses who are here today. Your timing is perfect, as today is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. We know that one in three women experiences violence in their lifetime.
Since Thursday, we have been considering various aspects of violence against women.
Forced marriage is a problem in Canada. According to the studies I have read, that problem affects more Canadian citizens than immigrants or refugees. The South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario is an organization that has been dealing with the issue of forced marriage for years. It identifies such marriages, supports its case with facts and defends victims. That organization recently carried out a study whose findings clearly indicate that the vast majority of victims of forced marriages are Canadian citizens. Those victims are likely from all cultural backgrounds, and not only from those discredited by the government's legislative measures, such as Bill S-7.
My colleague, Stella Ambler, moved a motion that seemingly addresses forced marriage. However, in reality, the motion would amend regulations on immigration and refugees to ban the use of proxy marriages as a means to spousal sponsorship. We are trying to understand why this bill uses a form of violence against women by making spousal sponsorship more difficult.
Deepa Mattoo of the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario said that this motion was not based on any facts or statistics indicating a significant correlation between marriage by proxy and forced marriages.