Absolutely we need to take it seriously. Hate, harassment, sexism—it's nothing new. Certainly that's not changed. The fact that it's there has not changed with the advent of the Internet age. What is new is the level of anonymity that can be found online and the kind of licence, the free licence, to speak without immediate reaction.
When you look online now, you can see a level of vitriol that you don't see elsewhere in life very often. That vitriol is very often directed against women, people of colour, immigrants, and so on, and against LGBTQ individuals as well, which is another key area. I think it's really important to name those sources, those sociological sources of hatred, if I can say it that way, in order to figure out how to address it. If we just call it bullying, we obscure what's really happening and we obscure the solutions that we need to have in order to address this issue.
I think it might help to ground this discussion a little bit. I talked a little bit about it in my opening, but what we're talking about here is a whole crop of sites called revenge porn sites. These are sites where jilted ex-boyfriends, to use that phrase, might post a picture that a woman might have shared with him consensually, or a girl might have shared with him consensually, but who did not consent to having it posted online. There are stories in the news of—