I'll answer the second question first. It is for boys and girls. An important piece of the program is that it educates both boys and girls about the power imbalances, as I say, sexism, racism, and understanding those terms, and understanding stereotype and gender bias, for example, in the media. That's the first component of the workshop. Then we move into how those stereotypes play out in relationships. We talk about the law of sexual consent in that context, rights and obligations. We think it's really important to reach boys and girls in that context and to educate boys, for example, about what this really means. What is respectful communication? What are the rules that apply as they grow into relationships and grow into dating?
We offer the program. We're not funded through the school system, but we do offer the program in schools. It's an independent program. We promote it and get contacted by schools that want to offer the program. We are in the process of expanding into other places in the province, although right now we're mostly in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island. We also sometimes offer it to community groups that have youth groups, gay and lesbian groups, immigrant groups, immigrant settlement services, and that kind of thing.