Yes, absolutely. We've expanded the program a lot in the last few years, and the response is increasingly positive. We introduced a new program this year called TrendShift that is based on our work, as I mentioned, our cybermisogyny work. We produced a report with recommendations. There are recommendations for the federal government in there as well.
We also created a little legal information booklet called “Is That Legal?” and did a workshop. We're getting a tremendous response on that now as well. In fact, we're booked to reach hundreds of students already in the new year. That's quite exciting. That was based on feedback we got from young people with questions such as how this law of consent applies in cyberspace, in online space, on smartphones, and what this means. Of course, that's an important space for young people to occupy, and we want to ensure that the space is productive and safe for young people when they're there.
That's also an important piece of that. We have, as I say, a really positive response in all the communities that we're in currently, and we hope to expand that program