Yes. As I mentioned in my opening remarks, I think what's needed are national standards in a number of different areas around economic security for women, that being one of the direct pieces of connection to violence here. If women are empowered and independent financially, they are more able to leave relationships safely. I think that would include national strategies on housing, poverty, legal aid and child care, and that all of those aspects would support women in very necessary ways.
If I can speak for a moment about legal aid in particular, there are very different legal aid plans across the country. I can tell you that in British Columbia, family law legal aid in particular is in crisis. It's not just in B.C.; there are other areas in the country, but of course I know B.C. the best.
What that means is that if women leave relationships, they have absolutely no assurance that they will get assistance with their custody and access matters. In fact, the eligibility is so narrow that you can make barely over minimum wage and not qualify. You only qualify if there's violence in the relationship, and even if both those criteria are in place, you only get 25 hours, which is often only enough to get a protection order in place. So women are left to deal with their abuser, trying to get custody, trying to have division of property, if there is any, and trying to get spousal and child support. These are incredible risk factors for women, which create a lot of fear about leaving relationships, and about what they might lose if they go when they have no support to fight for those things.