I want to thank you all for your extensive information and also for the wonderful work that you're doing, obviously, in B.C. Hello, B.C. colleagues.
This question is for Ann Decter.
I was heavily involved in the building of Crabtree Corner in Vancouver, which is the YWCA Vancouver. I was on the board of the YWCA Vancouver for a number of years. I see that as a model for best practices, because in one building we have residential housing, programs and services, even a garden on the roof to grow food, and all of that sort of thing. There's a communal kitchen. It just goes on in terms of it being an integrated, holistic service centre.
Perhaps you could expand a bit on that, Ms. Decter, and share with us whether that is a best practice, because we didn't hear that today. What can you tell us about it in terms of how we can possibly share that model with the rest of Canada?