No, these are pilot community development projects because this is a community development approach.
One of the things we know at DAWN Canada, and I think most people in the VAW sector recognize, is that change happens on the ground in communities. This is research with a purpose, where we're in 13 locations across the country now—northern, rural, urban—and we look very closely in terms of the kind of work we're doing.
The South Asian women's group in Saskatchewan, for example, has two social planning councils, one on the east coast and one on the west coast, and three YWCAs.
It's a very important piece of research to understand how that change happens and how it happens differently in different communities, to come forward with clear recommendations around best practices, going forward.
This project we're doing through Status of Women Canada, I'm pleased to say, has in fact been recognized by Handicap International as one of the most promising best practices globally. We just learned that earlier this week, so we shared that with everybody yesterday, and given that tomorrow is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, it was quite exciting news.