As soon as it's determined that they're coming into the facility and an investigation has to be done, they will meet with a police officer or the RCMP, who are now on site as well. That child will go to an interview room with all the supports, in terms of a child-focused environment, that are there for their family. It is one interview, as you say. Child and family services can be monitoring at the same time. At that point in time, the story is told. At that point in time, it's caught on the video or the camera if it needs to proceed to court. The high quality is there for that case to move forward so that the child does not have to be re-victimized, telling their story a separate time.
All of those facilities are in place in the centre so that the child can walk through and tell their story. In one case, for example, everything was done in a day. They received support from the therapist and they had a medical examination at the centre all in the same day.