Yes, we were one of the first countries to sign on to and to have done CEDAW, and I don't think that we are doing everything we can—certainly all reasonable measures, including legislation—to ensure the full potential of women in this country.
I think things could change if we could refocus the way in which we look at anti-violence work to a human rights perspective. I know I'm not the first person in the world to say that women's rights are human rights, but they are, and we're not using a human rights lens in our anti-violence work. I think if we did, that would refocus and reshift in a really important way.
I see that as one of the key elements we need to do moving forward in order to get at root causes. Best practice is everywhere. We have so much best practice. Organizations are doing fantastic work, including our own, but we need to get at root causes in order for that best practice to flow. If not, we're just managing it.