As I mentioned, we do have trauma and attachment services at KW Counselling. Those are offered in part in collaboration with the child welfare agency. We also use this trauma and attachment lens to inform all of our individual family and group counselling with children who witness woman abuse.
We have a program called “Trusting, Loving Connections” and a program called “Enhancing Attachment”. They're both group programs that help caregivers understand the effects of trauma on their own lives and the effects of trauma on their children. As I mentioned, we engage in this intergenerational trauma treatment approach. At this point, we've had one generation of research by our child welfare agency. We looked at placement stability for biological parents and foster, kinship, and adoptive parents who received these trauma and attachment services. We saw increases in parental confidence and competence and changes in child behaviour as well.
We are now about to engage in a second generation of research into those services. We'll be looking at the social return on investment as well, because we're curious as to whether there are cost savings in delivering trauma and attachment services this way.