Thank you all. I particularly appreciated all of your focus on the young boys. As a mother of two sons, it's worrying every day that kids can grow up thinking it's okay.
Since 2002, when the WHO's first report on violence came out, I don't think we've done a good enough job explaining what violence is. Whether it's online, or it's a put-down remark, I don't think we've done a very good job.
I think the Canadian Federation for Sexual Health...or a lot of people have felt that we need to flip this around to explain what respectful relationships are and what they look like, as opposed to this really narrow definition that we don't seem to be able to break out of, that if you don't punch somebody, you haven't been violent.
I was wondering if in addressing violence you have examples of how you get in early with little boys and girls about respectful relationships, as opposed to immediately labelling it something that people will deny.
I was wondering—this is for the clerk—if the committee has the Australian action plan and the British one, as well as both the WHO 2002 study, and its report from 2014 that actually tried to examine how well we've done, which doesn't seem to be so great.
I think, Jane, you would agree that long before people get to court, the work has to be done to prevent it such that people get what “unwelcome” means and what “consent” means.
Can you share with me any experiences you may have in the work you're doing in regard to flipping it onto respectful relationships instead of just talking about violence?