I think it's interesting; we've all seen it on television and it's pretty much the same. Sometimes life is exactly like television. Women are annihilated. Everything about them is used against them in a court of law. It's general practice, and as I said, it goes on every day. I can't even begin to make a list or talk to you about the kinds of atrocities that take place. It's happening right now in this country.
I think we all need to go to a sexual assault trial. This is my thing; you are not allowed to form policy or committees until you've sat in on a sexual assault trial and you have witnessed what happens there, or at a minimum spoken to experts who have been there and brought you that information.
If we're going to go to the legal system as remedy—and it appears that the legal system is all we have—women must have their own legal representation. The crown does not represent her. We have to—we must—the government must look at how judges and lawyers are flouting the law on a daily basis.