If I could, I'll start with one quick one.
We have a project that's funded by the Ontario government that's part of their healthy and equal relationships funding stream. It's called “It starts with you. It stays with him.” It's about a research insight. When we asked men about how they wanted to get involved, the one thing that jumped out was that they would talk to young men in their lives.
This is a project that encourages men as fathers, as educators, as community leaders, and as faith leaders and coaches to do exactly that kind of thing in conversations and engagements with young men in their lives.
What we have tried to do is identify the barriers and take them out of the way. Men tell us they don't know how; they're afraid they'll get it wrong; nobody ever modelled it for them.
This campaign is all about building those resources for men to actually activate that role and to talk to young people in their lives about healthy, equal relationships, about active consent, about all of those things as part of their—