Thank you very much.
I thank you all for participating today. It certainly has been a tremendously worthwhile exchange of information.
I find there's much to have a dialogue about throughout the entire country. We certainly can understand that there are very specific challenges in very specific areas.
I would like to focus my comment and my questions to Lana in particular, if I could, with respect to the fact that we are trying to come up with promising practices that can be brought forward for the reduction and prevention of violence to women and children. You were speaking about it in terms of an evidence-based approach and that there should be national standards and accountability frameworks that are built in.
If there were national standards that were to take into account all of the variables that are brought forward, how would you see that roll out? What type of accountability framework do you think would be doable, if you will, in terms of everybody having their own program end of things? Who would the accountability be from, and how could that be structured to give us some sense of the successes and the challenges?