I'm not intimately aware of what was happening at the hall of fame but what I did understand, and my bigger concern, was that there were only four nominees that were brought forward at all. The fact that there are only four nominees was a problem because we do have deep expertise in Canada, male and female.
When it comes to promoting role models, I think that we are starting to see a shift. At Let's Talk Science, we've been around for 20 years so we can start to see some trending. But out of our volunteer base of over 4,000 volunteers each year, well over 60% are women, so the recognition and the logistics coordination to help match people up with opportunities is really important. FIRST is doing a great job in getting industry mentors working with teams. We've been matching people for many years on some of these opportunities. It really is in part logistics, making awareness known, and legitimizing the importance of participating as a volunteer.
Within industry, we've had countless numbers of companies say they would really like us to structure an environment in which they can mobilize their volunteers, so we do that. We do the infrastructure. Then we go back and nobody comes out or only a few people come out because the companies haven't truly endorsed time away from work to get involved in some of these initiatives. Therefore, employees not only have to volunteer but they have to get caught up on any work they miss. It is this cultural piece. It takes everybody. It takes a country to raise a child and everybody has a bit of a place in it.