What's been most exciting for us is that our universities want our young women and our young students through FIRST Robotics. In fact, we have over $26 million in scholarships worldwide, $150,000 in Canada. You'll see the 10 universities in Canada that are now supporting this program. They've supported not only with money for scholarships but also in kind, with a number of them donating their campuses and venues so that we can have our FIRST Robotics on site. They feel that if a high school person goes on site to a university, they're 70% more inclined to choose that university or college later on, because now they're familiar with it. It's no longer that scary environment. They become comfortable again with the uncomfortable.
We want to mention that Minister Holder has indicated his support of FIRST Robotics. We were also thrilled earlier this year when we had MP Carmichael at Ryerson, MP Perkins at UOIT, MP Braid at Waterloo, MP Aspin in North Bay, and MP Watson in Windsor.
We just wanted to say thank you to each of you for taking your time on a weekend to come out and have that dialogue, one to one, with the students. It was significant for them to meet someone in government being so supportive.
Thank you.