The campaign is called “Portraits of Strength” and it shares poster images on social media of women in STEM fields: women in leadership positions, women in varied and different positions, and all those things that fit under STEM that we have a hard time defining. I love the fact that we can't define it, because I want it to be big and inclusive.
This campaign generated so much feedback, and this was consistently the feedback: “I wish there had been something like this around when I was making career decisions.” What frustrates me is that I was brought up in a generation where I was told that these problems were already dealt with, that you already had role models and everybody recognizes that what women are capable of and what men are capable of are comparable and there is no difference there.
Now I'm sitting here and fighting the same battles. It's good that the campaign worked, we got feedback from it, and there's momentum in it, but it's also frustrating that this is still the point we're starting from.