One of the key challenges we're tackling with industry right now is that male counterparts have great difficulty actually articulating what these barriers are, because they've never had to face them. They're not naturally able to draw the connection between harassment, say, or safety at the workplace, and why somebody would actually put up with that because they think their job is on the line. If they don't call for better changes....
Pay equity is also an issue where our male counterparts will often come to this conclusion. Why didn't you just ask for more and why didn't you just negotiate more to begin with? We're dealing with situations where women are walking in with a mindset that has been socialized, that has been shaped by the barriers that they have faced, the mindset that they're not in a position to negotiate better. We're leaving it on women who are already facing these challenges to come out on top without actually changing the systems, the institutions, and the behavioural norms.
Child care is a great example. I'm sure that people on this committee have heard of Facebook and a bunch of other big sites and companies offering to freeze eggs. Have you heard of this story? Okay. They offered this to their top female employees. They would freeze their eggs, because what these sites and companies were finding is what we are finding, which is that up to a certain point women are excelling in career paths. Then after a certain point that clock kicks in, they need to make a decision, and in their minds the choice is still between starting and raising a family or continuing with their career. Facebook does not want to lose these people. It does not want to lose this talent, so they're offering to freeze the eggs. That's one solution.
Another solution is child care—