I did some round tables in the last year and a half or so, and I went around to different places in Canada to see how we could get more girls involved in STEM or skilled trades. The round tables started out with the need to get them early in high school so that they would know what courses could be taken. But by the time a couple of round tables had started, it was, “Oh, no, that's way too late. It has to be elementary school so that they're thinking about it for high school.” That made perfect sense.
I actually hosted a round table for the Western engineering girls to see why they chose engineering; I was really curious. I think a couple of them had female relatives who were in engineering. Others said that they just looked it up on their own. They said they think the reason for the lack of it is that people think it's just one job, engineering, which I think one of you mentioned. There are so many choices in engineering.
Now, you mentioned the lack of exposure and the lack of role models. All of that came up. What do we do about that?