Well, at this point, right here, as an elected woman.
Daughters of the Vote really focused on a younger demographic, which was great. We want to bring younger people on line. But I think we want more than just young women. We want women of colour. We want indigenous women. We want older women. Can you take Daughters of the Vote and maybe expand it?
I'm going to use this as an example. I was making phone calls one night. I had a woman on the phone who said, “Oh, I'm so happy that you're my representative. It's nice to see a woman there, the first woman elected in my riding. I'd love to do it, but I'm too old.” I asked how old she was, and she said she was 39.
I think we've done a disservice. We often talk about getting more women elected, but we seem to focus on younger women. It's not as if that isn't great, but I think we need all women.
What can we do to encourage women of my age? I was 52. I wanted to run from the time I was 17, but it took me until I was 52 to say, “I'm not going to look back on my life and say I wish I would have.” How do we get people in an older demographic or in marginalized communities to put their names forward?