Good afternoon, Madam Chair and members.
Thank you for this opportunity to speak to you about the barriers facing women in politics.
I am the executive director of the Samara Centre for Democracy.
Samara is a non-partisan charity dedicated to strengthening Canada's democracy. Its action-oriented research and programming are aimed at making our parliamentary system more accessible, more responsive, and more inclusive.
Samara believes that a House of Commons that better reflects the diversity of Canadians and their experiences will generate a more resilient and responsive Parliament and can improve Canadians' willingness to participate in public life, yet many groups, women among them, remain under-represented on Parliament Hill and in public life. Samara welcomes this important discussion about what is necessary to help create the conditions for a diversity of Canadians, women especially, to enter politics.
With this in mind, I want to use my time with you today to draw on some of the research that Samara has conducted over the years and that provides insight on the obstacles women face. I will do this from three vantage points: at the level of elected leadership, at the level of the broader political workplace culture, and at the level of everyday political citizenship.
Let's begin at the level of elected leadership.
Samara undertakes exit interviews with former members of Parliament out of a belief that they are uniquely placed, having served on the front lines of our democracy, to provide advice and insight about the health of our democracy. The results from our latest round of exit interviews include the perspectives of 54 MPs from across the country and across the political spectrum who all sat in the 41st Parliament. Of the 54 we interviewed, 23 were women.
The first report in the series was published today. It's called “Flip the Script: Reclaiming the legislature to reinvigorate representative democracy”. We plan more reports to follow, including a deeper look at the role of gender. For today, I'll share some unpublished insights from the men and women we interviewed.
These interviews revealed several key themes that generally align with other research on women in politics.
Broadly speaking, many of these women reported that they felt their credibility and their authority as a candidate and as an MP were often more open to doubt than those of their male counterparts. The sexism they experienced often took subtle forms. Women reported that they felt their opinions did not carry as much weight as those of their male counterparts, whether this was in caucus or in this very committee. This double standard tended to be even more acutely felt by MPs who were young women.
In response to this environment, women reported that they were compelled to work harder, prepare more, and speak twice as loud in order to be taken seriously and to be heard. Even this tactic did not solve some of the more shockingly basic difficulties that women face in Parliament, including inadequate washrooms, the need for more changing tables for babies, and there being no room left in Parliament's day care.
More evidence from Samara finds that the experience of women in politics is also quantifiably different. A year ago, we surveyed sitting MPs—you—on the topic of heckling, and 84 of your colleagues responded. This research showed that despite sitting in the very same room, 67% of women MPs reported gendered heckling versus just 20% of their male counterparts.
Samara is currently collaborating with the all-party democracy caucus to survey sitting MPs once again. This time, the survey asks you, as members of Parliament, to indicate your interest in different reforms to the way Parliament works, some of which have been raised as possible means to improve the experience of MPs with young families—for example, changing Friday sittings. We are pleased to share with you that to date 60 MPs have completed the survey. We hope more will before the end of the sitting. We'd be pleased to report back to the committee on the results.
Let's take it to a wider level and talk about the workplace culture around women in politics.
We know that in the last year the #MeToo movement has disrupted every sector. Politics is no exception. Earlier this year, Samara partnered with The Canadian Press on a survey of Hill staff. Never before had Hill staff been systematically surveyed about their experiences with harassment, and sexual harassment specifically. We had 266 staff respond, and 122 of those identified as women. The results were pretty sobering: one in four indicated that they had directly experienced sexual harassment while working on Parliament Hill.
These results suggest that the workplace at the heart of our democracy can become and must become a safer space. This is not a problem isolated to political workforces—far from it—but we know that it can have a particularly severe repercussion for democracy if certain groups are less likely to feel that they belong in politics.
Those groups remain less represented, not only in elected office but also in the ranks of political staff and campaign volunteers, those who also shape the decision-making of our country.
Finally, let's talk about everyday political citizenship.
For the past five years, Samara has put out an annual call to recognize what we call everyday political citizens, ordinary people who are involved in their community and just trying to make a difference. Several hundred nominations pour in from across the country, and a jury helps us whittle the list down to 15 finalists.
Here's the good news. Since the start of the project, women have consistently made up over half the finalists every year. In short, many women are the mobilizers, organizers, advocates, and educators in our communities.
However, too often, when we speak to these nominees about being recognized as an everyday political citizen, many say they don't think the work they were doing was very political. An entire group of leaders in our communities seem to overlook the link between the work they do in the community and formal politics. It is incumbent upon us to try to rehabilitate what it means to be political, and to better help women connect their democratic engagement in their communities to formal politics.
Samara welcomes this discussion on measures to overcome these barriers and improve the substantive representation of women in politics, and I'm very glad this committee's approach is considering multiple sites and different stages of women's involvement in politics, be they civic education, candidate recruitment for public office, or changes to parliament itself.
Thank you.
I will be pleased to answer your questions.